Are possums good or bad in the yard?

This is a Possum

So, are possums good or bad for the yard? Well, that’s like askin’ if Grandma’s secret hot sauce is good or bad—it depends on how much you can handle! These fellas have their ups and downs, but one thing’s for sure: they sure do make yard-watchin’ a whole lot more entertainin’. Whether you’re pro-possum or no-possum, just remember to enjoy the little surprises nature throws our way. Before we decide if these guys are heroes … Read more

How Long Does It Take to Cook a Raccoon? (Grab Yer Bib, Y’all!)

BBQ Raccoon

When you’re lookin’ to cook raccoon, it’s essential to remember that this unique delicacy demands patience. This isn’t your average backyard BBQ fare! Typically, the process can take anywhere from 2 to 4 hours, all contingent upon the raccoon’s size and age. Think of it like preparing a pot roast; you’ll aim for low and slow to render that meat as tender as a lullaby. Using an oven set to a gentle 300°F and giving … Read more

What VEGETABLES can I grow from scraps? (These are very tasty)

Growing Vegetables From Scratch

Howdy, partner! Ever looked at those vegetable scraps and thought, “Darn, wish I could do somethin’ with these instead of chuckin’ ’em out!”? Well, hold onto your boots, ’cause I’m about to spill the beans (and maybe teach you how to regrow ’em too!). Turns out, your kitchen leftovers ain’t just for the compost heap. They’re the unsung heroes waitin’ for their encore. Imagine this – that little potato eye, that wee bit of green … Read more

Gobble, Gobble, Boom! A Redneck’s Guide to Turkey Hunting”

Turkey Hunting

Hey there, all y’all wild turkey whisperers and shotgun slingers! If your idea of a good time involves lurkin’ in the woods, talkin’ turkey, and blastin’ some birds (all while donning your finest camo, of course), then you’re in the right spot. Sit a spell and let’s dive deep into the world of turkey hunting, redneck style! Hold onto your trucker hats and tighten them overalls! If the thought of wakin’ up before the rooster, … Read more

What is the Best HOMEMADE Fertilizer for Tomatoes? (It’s all Organic)

Homemade Fertilizer Tomatoes

Do you wish to make a homemade fertilizer for tomatoes? If so, look no further, I’ve got you covered. Tomatoes are one of the best foods to eat and can be used in so many tasty and wonderful ways.  They are one of the most popular plants to grow and one the most delightful plants to harvest from! Tomatoes make for a very hardy plant and can survive in some of the harshest conditions.  All … Read more

Is There Such A Thing As POSSUM Stew? (Surprising Answer!)

If you do not live in the south then you probably have never enjoyed a delicious bowl of possum (opossum) stew. Possum stew is like any other stew, a blend of meat, vegetables, herbs and spices. The method of cooking it, and the ingredients used, are what gives it either a great taste, or a pot of mess that not even a starving buzzard would eat.

If you do not live in the south then you probably have never enjoyed a delicious bowl of possum (opossum) stew. Possum stew is like any other stew, a blend of meat, vegetables, herbs and spices. The method of cooking it, and the ingredients used, are what gives it either a great taste.  Of course if it’s cooked wrong, then it can be a pot of yucky mess that not even a starving buzzard would … Read more

Why Is It Important To Use QUALITY Ingredients In Baking? (Explained)

Why Is It Important To Use QUALITY Ingredients In Baking

If you are wondering why you should use quality ingredients in baking, then here are a few detailed explanations. When you cook you should be aware of a few things that can make your food taste great, or very gross. Not only do you have to formulate the recipe properly, but you also need to ensure that the temperature is correct.  You also need to ensure that you use the correct baking utensils and pans. … Read more

How To MAKE Cookies From Scratch ( Step By Step Instructions )

How To Make Cookies From Scratch

If you have ever struggled with baking cookies, then learning how to make cookies from scratch can sometimes seem like a daunting task. There are many key elements that you should consider before you ever consider baking a batch of cookies from scratch. Chewy, crispy, frozen cookie dough. All of these things can be mastered, if you follow these simple steps outlined below. It doesn’t matter if you are a novice, or an expert, the … Read more