Are possums good or bad in the yard?

This is a Possum

So, are possums good or bad for the yard? Well, that’s like askin’ if Grandma’s secret hot sauce is good or bad—it depends on how much you can handle! These fellas have their ups and downs, but one thing’s for sure: they sure do make yard-watchin’ a whole lot more entertainin’. Whether you’re pro-possum or no-possum, just remember to enjoy the little surprises nature throws our way. Before we decide if these guys are heroes … Read more

How Long Does It Take to Cook a Raccoon? (Grab Yer Bib, Y’all!)

BBQ Raccoon

When you’re lookin’ to cook raccoon, it’s essential to remember that this unique delicacy demands patience. This isn’t your average backyard BBQ fare! Typically, the process can take anywhere from 2 to 4 hours, all contingent upon the raccoon’s size and age. Think of it like preparing a pot roast; you’ll aim for low and slow to render that meat as tender as a lullaby. Using an oven set to a gentle 300°F and giving … Read more

What VEGETABLES can I grow from scraps? (These are very tasty)

Growing Vegetables From Scratch

Howdy, partner! Ever looked at those vegetable scraps and thought, “Darn, wish I could do somethin’ with these instead of chuckin’ ’em out!”? Well, hold onto your boots, ’cause I’m about to spill the beans (and maybe teach you how to regrow ’em too!). Turns out, your kitchen leftovers ain’t just for the compost heap. They’re the unsung heroes waitin’ for their encore. Imagine this – that little potato eye, that wee bit of green … Read more

Is There Such A Thing As POSSUM Stew? (Surprising Answer!)

If you do not live in the south then you probably have never enjoyed a delicious bowl of possum (opossum) stew. Possum stew is like any other stew, a blend of meat, vegetables, herbs and spices. The method of cooking it, and the ingredients used, are what gives it either a great taste, or a pot of mess that not even a starving buzzard would eat.

If you do not live in the south then you probably have never enjoyed a delicious bowl of possum (opossum) stew. Possum stew is like any other stew, a blend of meat, vegetables, herbs and spices. The method of cooking it, and the ingredients used, are what gives it either a great taste.  Of course if it’s cooked wrong, then it can be a pot of yucky mess that not even a starving buzzard would … Read more

Loaded Potato Skins Recipe Using 13 Ingredients (TASTES Great!)

Loaded Potato Skins Recipe

This loaded potato skins recipe tastes great.  It can be changed in so many ways to make many fabulous and unique dishes.  It also makes for a great appetizer when prepared properly! One thing you should always do, when preparing this dish, is to clean your potatoes properly.  Gently rub them under running water to remove all dirt.  Do not use a brush to clean them, you will want to keep the skin intact. When … Read more

Granny’s Possum Stew Recipe (So Yummy!)

Granny's Possum Stew Recipe

Now I know you think that a possum stew recipe may be yuck, but guess what, it’s actually very tasty!  These days, folks don’t know how to survive.  This is a common fact!  But back in the day, the old timers knew how to survive, especially during the great depression and other times of hardship! When you are hungry (or near starving), you will eat just about anything!  From Possum to racoon, Rattlesnake to Horsemeat.  … Read more

The Best Beef Bone Broth Recipe (GREAT For Soup, Stews & Flavor!)

Beef Broth Bone Recipe

The best beef bone broth recipe is one that requires slow cooking for several hours.  When you simmer the bones for hours, using low heat, then you are able to bring out the best flavor from the marrow in the bones. One should also use ingredients of the highest quality.   Be sure there are no bruises, nor cuts with grime in them, no brown spots and be sure they are tender and young.   Sometimes when … Read more

Vegetable Garbage Soup Recipe ~ 2 No Fail Tips! (GREAT Every Time!)

Vegetable Garbage Soup Recipe

This vegetable garbage soup recipe is something that can be made if you are on an extreme budget.  This recipe does not have a set list of specific ingredients. It is made using leftovers that one would normally throw in the garbage.   Thus it’s name. Practically everyone has leftovers when cooking a dinner.  Sometimes the amount of leftovers is so small, that one would just toss them in the trash instead of storing them in … Read more