Is There Such A Thing As POSSUM Stew? (Surprising Answer!)

If you do not live in the south then you probably have never enjoyed a delicious bowl of possum (opossum) stew. Possum stew is like any other stew, a blend of meat, vegetables, herbs and spices. The method of cooking it, and the ingredients used, are what gives it either a great taste, or a pot of mess that not even a starving buzzard would eat.

If you do not live in the south then you probably have never enjoyed a delicious bowl of possum (opossum) stew. Possum stew is like any other stew, a blend of meat, vegetables, herbs and spices. The method of cooking it, and the ingredients used, are what gives it either a great taste.  Of course if it’s cooked wrong, then it can be a pot of yucky mess that not even a starving buzzard would … Read more

Granny’s Possum Stew Recipe (So Yummy!)

Granny's Possum Stew Recipe

Now I know you think that a possum stew recipe may be yuck, but guess what, it’s actually very tasty!  These days, folks don’t know how to survive.  This is a common fact!  But back in the day, the old timers knew how to survive, especially during the great depression and other times of hardship! When you are hungry (or near starving), you will eat just about anything!  From Possum to racoon, Rattlesnake to Horsemeat.  … Read more