Is There Such A Thing As POSSUM Stew? (Surprising Answer!)

If you do not live in the south then you probably have never enjoyed a delicious bowl of possum (opossum) stew. Possum stew is like any other stew, a blend of meat, vegetables, herbs and spices. The method of cooking it, and the ingredients used, are what gives it either a great taste, or a pot of mess that not even a starving buzzard would eat.

If you do not live in the south then you probably have never enjoyed a delicious bowl of possum (opossum) stew. Possum stew is like any other stew, a blend of meat, vegetables, herbs and spices. The method of cooking it, and the ingredients used, are what gives it either a great taste.  Of course if it’s cooked wrong, then it can be a pot of yucky mess that not even a starving buzzard would … Read more