What Is Home Composting

Cutting Up Food Scraps For Compost – 2 Quick Methods (One GREAT Tip!)

Using Food Scraps For Compost

Cutting up food scraps for compost is something every household should do.

Not only is this a great way to recycle food scraps, but it is also great for the environment!

Here are 2 quick methods and one GREAT tip to help get you started today.  Even if you live in a small apartment, you can still start a compost bin!

Why Is Cutting Up Food Scraps For Compost Beneficial?

Cutting up food scraps for compost helps the matter break down and decompose faster.  This helps your compost heat up faster, resulting in a soil that is super rich in organic matter. This matter can then be used to improve soil, grow vegetables and even help to suppress pests and diseases.  It also reduces the need for chemical fertilizers.

What Exactly Is Compost?

Compost is organic plant matter, that makes a fabulous and valuable fertilizer.  Compost can be used in many ways, from improving the quality of your soil, to raising healthy worms for fish bait or worm tea.

Making compost is very easy to do.  You can use a handy dandy small trash can (with lid) or a fancy compost tumbler.  When done properly, compost will not stink and will not attract pesky flies, bugs or ants.

Why You Should Compost Food Waste

A compost pile is an awesome way to build up organic matter that can be used in many ways.  Not only is it beneficial for the environment, but it’s also a great method for recycling.  When composting, you can recycle food waste, yard leaves, grass and other plant matter.  

Cutting up food scraps for compost is one way to help your compost soil break down faster.

If you live on a farm, then some types of manure can also be added to the compost pile.  Manure helps heat compost up quicker, also resulting in faster breakdown!

The Best Method For Cutting Up Food Scraps For Compost

Cutting Food Scraps For CompostThe great thing about composting, is that you can create your own fertilizer blend to suit your needs best!  Simply select the ingredients you wish to add to your compost. 

Food Scraps for compost can be things like banana peels, potato peals, fruits and practically any type of vegetable.  The general rule is this, if it’s a plant, then it can be composted!

When you are cooking, then you naturally cut up fruits and vegetables for your meal.  When cutting your fruits and vegetables, there are usually “end pieces” that usually get discarded.

Stems like what is shown in the bell pepper image, apple cores, banana peels.  All of these pieces of food usually get tossed in the trash bin, only to be sent to the local landfill.

There are many dangers of having landfills, but I won’t get into that with you.  Can you can read about “The Hidden Dangers Of Landfills” for more information about the impact that landfills have on the environment.

The best method for cutting up food scraps for compost, is to simply chop the food waste into very small chunks.  The smaller the pieces, the faster and better the matter will break down!

The Second Method For Cutting Up Food Scraps For Compost

Grating Food Scraps For CompostingAnother way you can cut up your food scraps to make compost, is to use a cheese grater.  Many types of plant matter can be grated like cheese.  This in turn, create small slices of plant matter that will certainly break down much faster than small chunks will.

Some pieces that are terrific when grated, are potato peels, apple cores, practically any root vegetable like carrots or turnips.  You can also grate citrus fruit peels, if you are very careful not to scrape your knuckles on the grater.  

You may find that grating your food scraps is the method you like best.  If so, I highly recommend that you invest in an electronic grater to help speed up the process!  Not only will it speed things up, but it’ll be safer to use when grating those hard to grate pieces like peels and beans.

One Great Tip!

If you are like me, then time is something that you do not wish to waste!  If this is the case, then guess what!  You can quickly and easily create a food waste slush that can be added to your compost!  This slush will break down much faster than small pieces or slices that have been grated!

Simply add your food waste products into your blender, blend well, and VIOLA, instant food scraps slush!  

When adding slush, or any product to your compost, be sure that you follow the rules of composting to ensure that there’s no pests or yucky smells coming from your pile.   

I provide several composting related articles here at Grandmaws.  Some are linked below!  If you want to learn more about composting, take a moment and browse!  Or better yet, I invite you to pick my brain!  Ask me a question below, and I will certainly respond!  I look forward to getting to know you!

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